Public consultation on 10-year gas network development plan for the period 2022-2031

According to the Energy Act, the independent transmission system operator has to, each year after consultation with all the relevant stakeholders, adopt and submit to the Energy Agency 10-year gas network development plan for approval. By preparing the plan, the system operator (the company Plinovodi d.o.o.) has to consider existing and forecast supply and demand, and the plan shall contain efficient measures in order to guarantee the adequacy of the system and the security of supply.


In accordance with applicable legislation, the Energy Agency has prepared a public consultation in order that actual and potential users of the gas network are able to put comments and suggestions to the submitted development plan.


After the consultation, the Energy Agency will publish responses or a summary of response received and call upon the transmission system operator to modify or amend the development plan. The Energy Agency will issue the consent to the appropriately updated version of the plan.


Deadline for submitting the responses: 12 July 2021.

For more information on public consultation please visit this site (only in Slovene).


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Display date:
08.06.2021 13:08
Modified date
08.06.2021 13:25
Energy service providers Natural gas News First page Transmission
network development plan transmission system