Development plans

Transmission network development plan 2022-2031 approved

On 22 November 2021, the Agency gave its consent to the 10-year development plan for the transmission network for the period 2022-2031.


On 1 June 2021, the Transmission System Operator, Plinovodi, d.o.o., submitted the 10-year Development Plan for the Transmission System for the period 2022-2031 and the Investment Plan for the period 2022-2024 to the Agency for approval. The Transmission System Operator carried out a prior consultation of all interested parties by publishing the draft Development Plan on its website between 16 April 2021 and 16 May 2021. During the public consultation of the draft development plan, the TSO received comments from two interested parties. All comments were submitted by the TSO to the Agency for information.


In accordance with the provisions of the Energy Act, the Agency also consulted actual and potential system users on the development plan by publishing the development plan on its website on 11 June 2021 and inviting all actual and potential system users to comment. During the consultation process, which closed on 12 July 2021, the Agency did not receive any comments or proposals from actual or potential users of the system.


The Agency has examined the submitted development plan and the comments received by the transmission system operator in the context of its public hearing as well as the comment received in its consultation procedure. It also examined the Investment Plan in accordance with the Investment Plan Methodology and provided the TSO with its comments and suggestions on both the Development Plan and the Investment Plan.


In October 2021, the TSO submitted to the Agency the last - final - version of the Investment Plan and the final version of the Development Plan. After reviewing the submitted documents, the Agency found that the Development Plan identifies for market participants the main transmission infrastructure to be built or upgraded over the next ten years and contains all the investments already undertaken and identifies new investments to be undertaken over the next three years. A timeframe for all investment projects is also given. The Agency has also examined the consistency of the development plan with the non-binding 10-year network development plan for the European Union and found that there are no major discrepancies between the two plans.


The Agency has also examined the investment plan annexed to the development plan. In the process of assessing the investment plan, the Agency assessed whether the content and format of the investment plan complied with the investment plan methodology. The Agency found that the investment plan is consistent with the development plan and has been drawn up in accordance with the investment plan methodology, as required by Article 200(2) EZ-1. The Agency also found that the availability of sources of financing for the investments is adequate and that the investments are aligned with the development criteria. The Agency did not assess in the present procedure whether the financial and economic indicators were in line with the criteria set out in the investment plan methodology, as the investment plan submitted did not contain any investments that would require such an assessment.


Meta information
Display date
22.12.2014 13:42
Modified date
12.10.2023 13:57
transmission network development plans
Energy service providers Natural gas Transmission