Advanced metering infrastructure

Advanced metering system is an integrated set of metering devices, information technology and communications network that enables automatic (remote) reading, processing and transmission of data and two-way communication between the utilities and consumer's meter device. The system supports in-home displays, energy management systems, reading data from other energy sources meters and water, etc.


Advanced metering could have a major impact on energy market development and related services, on energy efficiency and development of electricity networks of the future. The European Union therefore encourages the Member States to introduce advanced metering systems and recommends an economic assessment of the long-term costs and benefits (CBA analysis) for the market and individual consumer and the assessment of the most appropriate way and the time frame of its deployment.


The Energy Agency was responsible for carrying out the CBA in Slovenia. The aim of the CBA was to assess the impact of the advanced metering roll-out for electricity and gas on different market participants by using different scenarios and various quality and quantitative assessment of the scope and the framework of the roll-out. In addition, the qualitative assessments of models roles and responsibilities were made, as well as functionalities and services of the advanced metering, and additional costs and benefits, which can be evaluated outside the framework of the CBA.


The share of smart (electricity) meters by individual electricity distribution areas and for (the entire) Slovenia is shown in the picture attached below.



Meta information
Display date
09.01.2015 12:13
Modified date
15.11.2017 12:27
ami smart grids smart meter cba cba analysis
Energy service providers Electricity