Wholesale market

In the wholesale electricity market, market participants (traders and suppliers) trade on the basis of closed contracts. A closed contract is a contract in which the amount of supplied electricity is determined in advance for each accounting interval. This means that such contract is independent of the actually supplied electricity. Deviations from the amount in closed contract are subject to imbalance settlement.


In the Slovenian electricity market, business are concluded by bilateral transactions between counterparts. In this type of trade, mainly contracts for periods longer than a day are concluded. There is also trading on the power exchange, where day-ahead contracts are concluded, as well as the intraday market and balancing market. The Intraday market is conducted in a manner of continuous trading; the trading phase takes place after closing of the exchange trading, a day before the delivery day. Unlike the day-ahead trading, which is conducted in a manner of auction trading (all buying and selling bids are after the trading joint in supply and demand curve, and the intersection determine the market price), in the Intraday market transactions are concluded when the supply and demand are met. In the last hour before the delivery, the Intraday market change to the Balancing market in which the TSO buys and sells electricity for the settlement of imbalances. While in the Day-ahead market the trading is conducted for each hour of the day (hourly product), the Intraday and Balancing market are trading also 15 min product.


Meta information
Display date
09.01.2015 12:04
Modified date
15.11.2017 12:24
wholesale market supplier closed contract trader
Energy service providers Electricity