Exemptions for the new interconnectors

At the end of 2014, the European Commission delivered favourable opinions on the two decisions issued by the Energy Agency regarding the exemptions from the provisions governing the third parties access to the two new 110KV interconnectors "Dekani–Zaule" and "Vrtobja-Redipuglia" between Slovenia and Italy in accordance with Article 17 of Regulation EU 714/2009. These two decisions, the first of the kind, enable the investors, which are not system operators, with the construction of interconnectors in question, and during their operation to provide additional cross-border transmission capacity on the border with Italy (if conditions are met, up to 100 MW). The assessment carried out by the Energy Agency and Italian regulatory authority was presented in Joint Opinion, which shows that the interconnectors will have a positive impact on competition in both national markets, and therefore, contribute to higher reliability of power systems operation.  During the assessment, the Energy Agency has taken into account the benefits that consumers may gain from the interconnectors. The largest share of these benefits relate to lower costs for the electricity transmission, and the interconnectors will also contribute to the decrease in the price difference between the neighbouring electricity markets, and to the competition in the wholesale market.


Joint Opinion of the Slovenian and Italian NRAs:


Exemption decisions and pending notifications for gas and electricity: Commission Decision 


Decision about prolongation of the construction:


Decision about additional prolongation of the construction:


Meta information
Display date
03.04.2015 08:50
Modified date
20.06.2019 08:47
transmission network electricity wholesale market cross border exchanges
Energy service providers Electricity Transmission Wholesale market